So you figured out last time that you really need to study Maternity. So how can you figure out what you need to know.
- Answer as many questions as you can, related to the topic. Maternity is a huge topic; it is important to focus that down. So is it labor you’re having trouble with. The more questions you answer, the easier it will be to figure out what your weaknesses are. So where can you find the questions? You can find them in a number of different places. Doing a Google search for Maternity NCLEX questions brings up quite the list. Just be careful. One of the people we’ve been working with for the NCLEX – used a lot of these questions and those found on You Tube and when she took the NCLEX, she said ‘those questions were completely different’. Our NCLEX review course has three sections dedicated to Maternity. You want to answer several hundred questions related to the target area. Make sure you review each of your answers (those you got right – did you guess) as well as those that were wrong. Let’s say from these questions I found 10 or so problem areas.
- Pretend one of those areas was stages of labor. Now you’ll want to –
- Learn about it. Take some time to read / learn about the particular topic. You can watch videos or read about it online ( or in your textbook ). Take notes as you read.
- Study – Make a list of the stages of labor.
- Memorize – if necessary. Stages of labor is important so you should know that.
- Add this to your daily list of flash cards / things you work om memorizing.
- Go to the next topic.
- Answer more questions. As you progress you should be getting fewer of these questions wrong.
Enjoy your day.