I passed the NCLEX
We just had another student take her test and pass this week. Woot. I share these stories to motivate you and inspire you and help you learn from them so you can pass your NCLEX the next time you take your test.
Nana has three kids, one of them with special needs. She has a full time job. Many of you are in the same spot. When she came to me, she wanted a plan to review all of the content. She had tried to do it, but felt that she was missing something and was getting discouraged.
Here is what we did.
1. We had her take 3 assessment tests, using Saunders. She did pretty well on those.
2. She had an NCLEX test date, so working backward from that date we created a monthly plan with her to review the content.
3. One of the things about our tutoring is the students must send us questions that they answer, we explained that to her.
You will run into a point in your studies when you feel like you are being overwhelmed with information. When this happens… and it will … take a deep breath and keep going. We did most of our tutor sessions in the early morning before her day started. Set a time to review every day and stick to it. Let your family and friends know that is the time you’ll be studying and stick to it.
Find someone to encourage you. Someone in your life wants you to pass the NCLEX as much as you do. Let them know that you’ll need some encouragement along the way.
Before Nana took her test I had a few pieces of advice.
1. DON”T study the day before your test.
2. Take each question seperately. Don’t think about any of the questions before it… just focus on that question.
3. When your mind starts to freak out and you start to get anxious. Take a deep breath. Stop for a minute or two. Close your eyes, breathe and then continue.
Remember you can do it! Enjoy your week.