Respiratory Medications NCELX

Respiratory Medications NCELX Today we’re going to deep dive a bit into respiratory medications. The topic below mentions boxes – those boxes can be found in the Saunders NCLEX Book. Respiratory Medications   Medication Inhalation Devices Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) Dry powder inhaler (DPI) Nebulizer If two medications prescribed, administer bronchodilator first and corticosteroid second. Bronchodilators Description Should be used with caution in clients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, narrow-angle glaucoma Theophylline increases risk of digitalis toxicity, decreases effects of lithium and phenytoin. If theophylline and beta-blocker are administered together, cardiac dysrhythmias may result. Beta-blockers, cimetidine, erythromycin increase effects of theophylline. Barbiturates, … Continue reading Respiratory Medications NCELX