NCLEX Topics – Safety and Precautions – Contact, Airborne, Droplet

Safety is covered in depth in Chapter 16 of Saunders. Here are a few things to remember.

Measures to Prevent Falls –

A great article talks about this –

Different types of Precautions –

These are the safety measures for all patients

1. Wash your hands (Most important step in infection control)

2. Wear gloves (before contact with anything wet, like broken skin, mucous membranes, blood, body fluids, soiled instruments, contaminated waste materials.
3. Wash hands after removing gloves and between patients
Contact Precautions:

Contact Precautions Microorganisms:

1. Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureu (MRSA), Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL), Penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (PRSP), Multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDRP))
2. Scabies
3. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) localized
4. Diarrhea, Clostrididum difficile

Before entering:

1. Wash hands
2. DON gown then gloves

Upon entering:

1. use disposable equipment when possible
2. when not available clean and disinfect all equipment before removing from room

Transporting patient:

1. PT should wash hands and wear a clean gown
2. For direct contact with pt, nurse or care provider should wear a gown and gloves.
3. Notify receiving area

Airborne Contact Precautions:

Airborne Contact Precautions Microorganisms:

1. Measles (Rubeola)
2. Tuberculosis (TB)
3. Chicken Pox (Varicella-Zoster virus)
4. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) disseminated

Before entering:
1.Wash hands
2. Don N95 Respirator (Mask)
3. Don gown then gloves

*Negative Pressure Isolation Room KEEP DOOR CLOSED

Transporting patient:

1. Patient must wear a surgical or procedure mask and a clean gown
2. Patient must wash hands
3. For direct contact with pt, nurse or care provider should wear a gown and gloves.
4. Notify receiving area

Before leaving pt’s room:

1. Remove gloves then gown NOT N95 mask
2. Wash hands

After leaving pt’s room:

1. Shut door
2. Wash hands
3. Remove N95 mask
4. Wash hands

Droplet Contact Precautions:

Droplet Contact Precautions Microorganisms:

1. Influenza (Flu)
2. Viral Respiratory tract infections (adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, RSV)
3. Streptococcus group A pharyngitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever
4. Neisseria meningitidis invasive infections
5. H. Influenzae type b invasive infections
6. Pertussis
7. Rubella
8. Mumps

Before Entering:

1. Wash Hands
2. Wear Mask and Eye Protection
3. Wear Gown / Gloves

Patient Transport:

1. Pt must wash hands
2. Pt must wear a surgical or procedure mask and clean gown
3. For direct contact with pt, nurse or care provider should wear a gown and gloves.
4. Notify receiving area

Before Leaving Pt’s Room:

1. Remove gloves then gown
2. Wash Hands
3. Remove eye protection and mask
4. Wash Hands

Safety Questions –

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