NCLEX Topics – CPR, Positioning, Tubes (NG, Gtube, Chest tubes and more)

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We’ve changed up the schedule just a bit –

Today we’ll review CPR, client positioning and patients with tubes, then on Thursday we’ll review periop – or things you’ll need to do before surgery.  That means next week we’ll talk about Maternity things.

CPR –  a great reference guide –

Page 6 of this document gives you an explanation of why it is now C-A- B instead of ABC.


Positioning  Saunder’s has a great picture on page 230-231 (7th ed) of patients in the different positions.  Chapter 19 deals with positions and has some great NCLEX questions.

Here is another great image of the different positions from Pinterest –

Here is a great pdf “cheat sheet” that lists most of the procedures you will encounter and the positions your patient should be in.


Patients with Tubes – Chapter 20 in Saunders deals with tubes.

  • Chest Tubes

A slide share about chest tubes –

Chest tube video –

Questions –

Other tubes you need to be aware of

  • NG tube (Nasogastric tube)

Lecture notes – bottom of the page –

A great power point presentation that talks about Gtubes and Colostomies.

  • Gtube (Gastrointestinal tube) 

A pdf explains all about Gtubes, J tubes etc. –

  • Urinary Catheters –

Urinary Catheterization is the introduction of a catheter through the urethra into the bladder for the purpose of withdrawing urine.

Caring for the Patient with an Indwelling Catheter 

  1. Be sure to wash hands before and after caring for a patient with an indwelling catheter
  2. Clean the perineal area thoroughly, especially around the meatus, twice a day and after each bowel movement. This helps prevent organisms for entering the bladder
  3. Use soap or detergent and water to clean the perineal area and rinse the area well
  4. Make sure that the patient maintains a generous fluid intake. This helps prevent infection and irrigates the catheter naturally by increasing urinary output
  5. Encourage the patient to be up and about as ordered
  6. Record the patient’s intake and output
  7. Note the volume and character of urine and record observations carefully
  8. Teach the patient the importance of personal hygiene, especially the importance of careful cleaning after having bowel movement and thorough washing of hands frequently
  9. Report any signs of infection promptly. These include a burning sensation and irritation at the meatus, cloudy urine, a strong odor to the urine, an elevated temperature and chills


  • ET (breathing) tubes –

Power point –…/Mechanical%20Ventilation%20for%20Nursing.ppt

  • Tracheostomy

Pdf –,%20%20revised%20jan%202015%20(3).pdf

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