NCLEX Tips – Studying with Flashcards

This week we’re going to talk about Flash cards that will help you prepare for the NCLEX.

Welcome to the new tutor students – we probably have one spot left for tutoring. The discount ends very soon, so if you want to take advantage of it, here are the details.

We are working on filling our tutor slots for August and September. We have some morning slots available. These slots are available before 9am (final slots start at 8am) Eastern time. We start tutoring at 4am so any slots that work for you from 4am till 8am.These slots are available any day. 10 or 20 one hour tutor sessions, 2 each week. We guarantee you’ll pass the NCLEX or we’ll tutor you for free. We’ve helped folks that have failed the NCLEX 10 plus times to pass. Use the coupon code 10EARLYOFF to save 10 percent. If you have questions just leave them in the comments.

I love flashcards. They let you study whereever that you’re at. When I was in nursing school, we had to do it the old way… filling out the index card and carrying them around with me. Now you don’t have to do that. You can now download an app and get flashcards that folks have already created. One thing and I told my daughter this, sometimes the act of creating the flash cards – writing the content down on the index card – will help you learn as well.

One of my favorite spots to find flashcards is Quizlet. It is super easy to use. Here are instructions on how to use it.

Here is one of my favorite flash card sets – – 434 with pictures. It covers a wide range of NCLEX topics. Just like other study methods, if you want you can deep dive into a particular topic. Just search in the search bar. Example, I searched EKG strips and found this list –

School starts soon for most people – for my daughter her last semster in nursing school starts next week. I’m excited.

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