NCLEX Study sites we like

Study Plan Tips

Study Plan Tips

Study sites on the internet make it easy to find and target problem areas you may be having in your studies. I have my favorites and I’m sure you have yours too. A couple of notes first:

  1. The internet is not always true. Make sure the content is correct. This goes for all of the content.
  2. Bookmark sites you like and enjoy – sign up / join their Facebook pages.
  3. Don’t get distracted.

One of my favorite sites for good information is Khan Academy. This site started out as a site just for math but has branched out now into other areas, including healthcare.

  1. Go here –
  2. Sign in using your Facebook account.
  3. Click on the “learn something new” box.
  4. You should have a directory now – hover over Science, then health and medicine.
  5. Find a section you’ve been having trouble with. We’ve been talking about the cardiac system so click it.
  6. There are 50 or so lessons, click on the first one. Watch the video (10 minutes) or so – take notes, watch it again if you need to and then go to the next lesson.
  7. If you’re having trouble learning something specific then click on that video. The site also includes quizzes, so again a great way to learn.

I love videos – we are all busy and videos you can take with you on your cell phone without having to pack all your text books with you.

What is your favorite places on the internet to study – let us know in the comments.

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