If you know your math you can skip this section. We have a several different sections with problems related to each.
A good book to check out is here – It is the one that my daughter’s nursing class is using and I highly recommend it. http://amzn.to/2jt5fGW
If you need to review Math – Khan academy is an excellent resource to pinpoint things you might need help with. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra
Reading medication labels / syringes etc. http://www.cwladis.com/math104/lecture3.php
Math Overview Quiz (100 questions) – https://www.learningnurse.org/quizzes/basicmath-100/
Metric Conversions – https://www.learningnurse.org/quizzes/metricconversions-25/
One of the best sites I’ve found for questions – at the bottom of the page (section 11) is a math section. Review the things you’re having trouble with.