8 Week NCLEX Review – Week 3 – Safety, IV Calculations, CPR

This topic is covered in our NCLEX Boot Camp Week 1 Friday Safety, IV Calculations, CPR

I had someone ask me if they don’t have time to read and answer the questions, would it be ok to just answer the questions. If you’re crunched for time, answer just the questions. If you fail (less than 60%) then make sure to review the answers to the questions and review the topic.

Safety – Saunders 7th edition Chapter 16 – page 192

One of the most important topics – http://www.nclexreviewonline.com/nclex-topics-safety-and-precautions-contact-airborne-droplet/


IV Calculations – Saunders 7th edition Chapter 17 – page 204

In our boot camp we have a complete section related to math. If you’re having trouble with IV calculations here is a great video.



As with any kind of math the best thing you can do is practice.

Some more math –




CPR – CPR is the first topic http://www.nclexreviewonline.com/nclex-topics-cpr-positioning-tubes-ng-gtube-chest-tubes-and-more/

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